Trevi invites Shero nominations in the lead up to International Women’s Day 2021
Trevi, the leading women’s charity in Devon, has today officially launched a brand new Shero campaign to celebrate awesome women in the lead up to International Women’s Day on the 8 March 2021.
A Shero is a female hero who deserves to be recognised and celebrated this year as part of International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day on Monday 8 March is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. International Women’s Day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. This year the theme for IWD is #choosetochallenge and importantly, it is a time to celebrate women’s achievement.
With Covid-19, many Sheroes have come to the fore over the past year. Women who have been on the frontline of the NHS; mothers who have balanced homeschooling and working from home; volunteers who have given their time freely, or women who have had the strength to go through therapy like Trevi’s Jasmine Mother’s Recovery. Mums, sisters, grans, girlfriends, wives, colleagues, neighbours, nurses, teachers, support workers and inspirational celebrities.
Every Shero who is nominated on the Trevi website will receive a certificate, unique Shero badge and her name will be celebrated across the Trevi website and social media in the lead up to International Women’s Day.
After 28 years of operation, Trevi now supports more than 550 women and children every year – providing safe and nurturing spaces for women and their families to heal, grow and thrive. Trevi’s vision is for a society where all women in recovery can access good quality, psychologically informed, gender-based interventions without apology.
The charity runs three centres, including a residential rehabilitation centre for mums and their children, Jasmine Mother’s Recovery, and the Sunflower Women’s Centre – the only women’s centre in the Plymouth community. Sunflower supports women in recovery from addiction, mental ill health, domestic abuse, sexual violence, and criminogenic behaviours. All of Trevi’s services have remained open throughout the entire pandemic thanks to the charity’s dedicated and hardworking team – many who have already been nominated as Sheroes.
Shero nominations have already been flying in over the weekend. With nominations for women from all across the country, loving messages of admiration have also been received from those who have nominated such as:
Cathy Nurrish – ‘Mum, you’re our absolute Shero! You are nothing short of amazing, with your beautifully kind heart and your wonderful caring touch. We admire your continued perseverance to carry on caring for those in need, even when you face your own physical challenges. We love you love from all of your girls and boys x’
Colleen Sperinck – ‘This lady retired in January 2020 after forty plus years of service with the NHS. When the global pandemic hit and the country went into lock down in March of that year she selflessly volunteered at her village community shop delivering supplies to those who are unable to leave their homes. She has been doing her deliveries since then in all weathers.’
Gemma Danger – ‘For being a homeschool hero…doing your upmost to support a family considering you’re both self-employed. And doing amazing women centred art.’
Hilary Knight – ‘Hilary is my Shero for delivering hot meals to people in desperate need in minus zero temperatures.’
Kerry Bryant – ‘A truly amazing Shero, whose strength and determination to succeed has proven to be an inspirational force for others.’
In addition, many celebrities such as Davina McCall, Emma Willis and Holly Willoughby and online influencers such as Part Time Working Mummy, Knee Deep in Life and Slummy Single Mummy have all received nominations.
Hannah Shead, CEO of Trevi states: ‘Every year, as a women’s charity, it is important for us to celebrate International Women’s Day to help the women that we support to feel empowered to achieve and move forward in life. We have therefore launched an annual Shero campaign – recognising and celebrating the special women in our lives. We believe that there are many special women out there this year who deserve a mention! Whoever they are, we want to celebrate those special Sheroes as part of International Women’s Day, with a pay it forward approach. The nominations are zooming in already and we look forward to celebrating more women in the lead up to the 8 March 2021.’
To nominate a Shero, please visit or for more information, please contact